Tea 101: How to Store Tea?

Written by Oliver Blake - Published on June 28, 2023

how to store your tea?

Ever stumbled upon an old tin of tea, excitedly opened it only to be greeted by a flat, lackluster aroma? Or worse, a smell that's a bizarre mix of the tea and, well, everything else it's been stored next to? I've been there, and it's a sad, sad moment. Trust me, no one should have to sip a cup of what I lovingly call "mystery tea". So, my fellow tea lovers, let's embark on a journey to protect our precious leaves from meeting such a tragic fate.

 1. Understanding Tea 

muave blog - Understanding Tea

A Delicate Treasure

Picture this. You're in the misty hills of Darjeeling, the Champagne region of teas. As the morning sun warms up the slopes, workers skillfully pluck the freshest leaves, ready to be transformed into a brew that's loved worldwide. Each type of tea, be it the delicate first flush green tea, the robust black tea, or the rare white tea, embarks on its unique journey, crafted with precision, ready to sing a symphony of flavors in your cup.

But here's the thing. Once these leaves leave their home, they're like fish out of water. They're sensitive, delicate, and oh-so-vulnerable. Our job is to recreate the safe haven they had in their natural environment. Too much to ask? Not really, once we understand their foes.


Tea, in all its wonderful varieties, is a delicate treasure that needs a bit of TLC to keep it at its best.

2. The Enemies of Tea: Air, Light, Moisture & Odor

The enemies of tea - air, light, moisuteer, odor

Imagine you're a superstar. You're fabulous and loved, but you also have a few persistent foes, always ready to dim your shine. For our superstar tea, these foes are air, light, moisture, and odor. Let's get to know them a bit better.

Air, the unseen enemy, carries oxygen that causes our precious tea leaves to oxidize. Ever left a slice of apple out and watched it turn brown? That's what happens to tea, but in a less dramatic fashion.

Then there's light. It might be essential for Superman, but for our tea, it's kryptonite. Exposure to light leads to a breakdown of essential oils and other compounds that give tea its unique taste and aroma.

Next up, moisture. It's the sneakiest of them all. It creeps in, encourages mold growth, and before you know it, your beautiful green tea looks like a science experiment gone wrong.

Lastly, odor. Tea leaves love absorbing smells around them. It's great when they're on the bush, surrounded by fresh air. Not so great when they're in your kitchen, next to your collection of spices.


Our teas' arch-nemeses—air, light, moisture & odor—can lead to loss of flavour, aroma, and even encourage mould growth.

3. The Perfect Home for Your Tea: Airtight, Dark, and Dry

the perfect home for your tea: airtight, dark, dry

Remember our superstar tea? Let's think about its dream home. Somewhere it can rest, safe from its foes. That would be a place that's airtight, dark, and dry.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Isn't that a little too fussy?" Well, think about your favourite loaf of artisan bread. Would you leave it out on the counter, exposed to air? Or would you keep it safe in a bread bin? It's the same with our delicate tea leaves.

I remember when I first started my tea journey. I'd proudly display my tea collection in clear glass jars on my kitchen counter. They looked beautiful bathed in sunlight. Little did I know, I was compromising their quality.

It was a tea-loving friend who enlightened me. She recommended I switch to opaque, airtight containers and store them in a cool, dark cupboard away from any strong smells. Ever since I made the switch, my teas have thanked me by staying fresher and tasting better.


Treat your tea to a dream home: a cool, dark place in an airtight container.

4. To Freeze or Not to Freeze: Debunking the Myth

to freeze or not tea: debunking the myth

One of the most common questions I get from fellow tea lovers is, "Can I freeze my tea to make it last longer?" It's a tricky one. While freezing might seem like a good idea, it's not the best for our delicate tea leaves.

I learned this the hard way. A few years ago, I bought a large batch of my favorite oolong tea. I was worried I wouldn't be able to finish it before it lost its flavor, so I decided to freeze a portion of it. When I brewed the frozen tea a few months later, it was a complete letdown. The lovely floral notes were gone, replaced by a bland, flat flavour. That's when I realised freezing is a no-go for tea storage.


Despite popular belief, freezing is not the best way to extend your tea's shelf life.

5. Regular Checks: Ensuring Your Tea's Well-being

regular checks: ensuring your teal's well-being

You know how plants need regular care and attention? It's the same with our tea. Regular checks are crucial to ensure it's in good shape.

When I'm in my kitchen, I often find myself reaching out to my tea containers, opening them, taking a whiff, and checking the leaves. It's become a ritual of sorts. I look for changes in color, texture, and most importantly, aroma. If the leaves don't smell as potent or look as vibrant as they used to, it's probably time to restock.


Regular checks can help you gauge your tea's well-being. If it's not up to par, it might be time for a fresh batch.


So, there you have it, friends. The journey of our beloved tea doesn't end once it reaches our kitchen. With a little love and care, we can ensure that every cup we brew is as delightful as it should be. Happy sipping!


The art of tea storage is all about understanding its needs and offering the right care. From the right storage conditions to debunking myths and regular checks, every step plays a part in ensuring a delightful tea experience.

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