Tea 101: What is Matcha?

Written by Oliver Blake - Published on September 1, 2023

what is matcha?

If you've been to a trendy café lately or scrolled through Instagram's endless feed of foodie posts, you've likely come across matcha. This vibrant green powder has taken the world by storm, but what exactly is it? Let's dive into the world of matcha and discover why it's more than just a fad.

 1. The Origin of Matcha 

muave blog - matcha traditional Japanese tea

A Japanese Gem

From China with Love

So, where did this magical green powder actually come from? Plot twist: it's not originally from Japan! Yep, matcha's roots trace back to China during the Tang Dynasty. Imagine ancient Chinese monks grinding up tea leaves into a fine powder and then whipping it into a frothy, soul-soothing brew. This was the OG matcha, folks. Then, along came Eisai, a Japanese monk who was like, "Hey, this is awesome. I'm taking it back to Japan!" And so he did, in the late 12th century. Talk about a cultural exchange!

Zen and the Art of Matcha Drinking

Once matcha hit Japanese soil, it became the go-to drink for Zen Buddhist monks. Why? Because this wasn't just any tea. It was like meditation in a cup. The monks found that matcha helped them stay alert during those long, intense meditation sessions, but without making them jittery or anxious. It's all thanks to this cool amino acid called L-theanine, which calms your mind without putting you to sleep. So, matcha became the monks' secret weapon for spiritual enlightenment.

The Ultimate Tea Party: Chanoyu

Fast forward a bit, and matcha started making appearances in something super elegant called the "Chanoyu," or the Japanese tea ceremony. This isn't your average tea party; it's a beautifully choreographed ritual that's all about mindfulness and respect. Every single step, from boiling the water to whisking the matcha, is a dance of precision. It's like the ballet of tea drinking, and it's mesmerising.

Samurai Fuel

But wait, there's more! Samurai warriors got wind of this magical green elixir and thought, "This could give us the edge in battle." And they were right. Just like the monks, samurais found that matcha gave them a unique combo of alertness and calm—exactly what you need when you're about to go into a life-or-death duel.

Matcha Mania: The Modern Love Affair

Today, Japanese Matcha Green Tea is everywhere in Japan, and it's not just for monks and samurais anymore. You'll find it in everything from traditional tea ceremonies to the ice cream at your local convenience store. It's even become a staple during festivals and special occasions. It's like the Swiss Army knife of flavours and experiences, and the Japanese absolutely adore it.


So there you have it—the epic journey of matcha from ancient China to modern Japan. It's been a spiritual guide, a warrior's secret weapon, and today, it's a cultural icon. Whether you're a monk, a samurai, or just someone who loves a good cup of tea, matcha has something for everyone.

2. The Making of Matcha

The enemies of tea - air, light, moisuteer, odor

A Labor of Love

Not Your Average Green Tea

Alright, let's get one thing straight: Matcha isn't just your run-of-the-mill green tea. Oh no, my friends, it's like the VIP of the tea world. First off, these tea plants are treated like royalty—they get to chill in the shade. Why? Because shade boosts their chlorophyll levels, which not only gives matcha its Insta-worthy vibrant green colour but also ramps up the amino acid content. It's like sending the tea plants to a spa retreat for a beauty makeover.

Handpicked with Care

Once these pampered tea leaves are ready for their big moment, they're handpicked. That's right, no machines are allowed in this delicate operation. It's all hands on deck—literally. Each leaf is chosen with the kind of care you'd reserve for picking a diamond ring. After all, not just any leaf gets to become matcha!

Steam, Dry, Grind: The Holy Trinity

After the leaves are picked, they're rushed off for a quick steam bath. But this isn't about relaxation; it's a strategic move to halt fermentation and lock in that gorgeous green hue and fresh, grassy flavour. Then, it's off to the drying room, where they're laid out to lose all their moisture. Finally, these dried leaves meet their destiny in a stone grinder, which transforms them into the fine, silky powder we all know and love as matcha.


So, making matcha isn't just a process; it's an art form. From shade-growing the tea plants to make them lush and nutrient-rich to the careful handpicking and the meticulous grinding, every step is a labour of love. It's like the artisanal bread of the tea world—crafted with care, expertise, and a whole lot of heart.

3. The Health Benefits of Matcha

go green - have matcha japanese green tea

A Nutrient Powerhouse

Antioxidants Galore

First off, let's chat about antioxidants. You've probably heard the buzz about these little wonders. Well, matcha is teeming with something called polyphenols, which are thought to be pretty darn good for you. While I'm not saying it's a miracle cure, some believe these antioxidants could be your body's best friends when it comes to general well-being. Think of each sip as a little hug for your insides.

A Sugar-Balancing Act?

Now, onto blood sugar. While we can't make any medical claims here, there's chatter in the health community that polyphenols might help with blood sugar regulation. So, if you're someone who's keeping an eye on those sugar levels, matcha could be an interesting addition to your diet. It's like having a mindful companion in your wellness journey.

Sip Your Way to Youthfulness?

And let's talk anti-aging. Again, no promises, but some folks swear by matcha's potential youth-boosting properties. Imagine sipping your way to a more radiant you. It's like a spa day in a cup, but without the hefty price tag.

The Zen Factor: L-Theanine

Alright, time for my favourite part: the chill vibes. Matcha contains an amino acid known as L-Theanine. This little gem is believed to promote relaxation without the drowsiness. Plus, it's said to boost alertness. Whether you're gearing up for a big day or winding down after a long one, matcha could be your balanced buddy.

A Cup of Potential Well-Being

Best of all? You get to enjoy these potential benefits without the rollercoaster ride of jitters and crashes that come with some other caffeinated drinks. It's like a steady stream of feel-good vibes, all from a single cup of green goodness.


So there you have it. While we can't claim that matcha is a magic elixir, it's packed with elements that many believe contribute to overall well-being. From its rich antioxidant profile to the calming effects of L-Theanine, matcha offers a unique blend of potential health benefits. It's not just a cup of tea; it's a cup of possibilities.

4. How to Enjoy Matcha

to freeze or not tea: debunking the myth

More Than Just a Latte

Beyond the Café Menu

Alright, let's get one thing out of the way: matcha is so much more than that frothy green latte you order at your favourite café. Don't get me wrong, lattes are fabulous, but limiting matcha to just that is like saying Beyoncé is just a singer. There's a whole world of matcha goodness waiting to be explored!

The OG Way: Whisk It Real Good

First up, let's talk about the traditional way to enjoy matcha. Picture this: You're in a serene Japanese tea house, and in front of you is a bowl of hot water and a bamboo whisk. You add a scoop of vibrant green matcha powder and then whisk it until it becomes a frothy, heavenly liquid. This is matcha in its purest form, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer. It's like meeting a celebrity without any makeup on—still fabulous, just more authentic.

The Culinary Chameleon

But why stop there? Matcha is a culinary chameleon; it can jazz up just about anything. Ever tried a matcha-infused smoothie? It's like your regular smoothie decided to put on a tuxedo. Super classy. And don't even get me started on matcha desserts. Matcha cheesecake, matcha cookies, matcha ice cream—the list goes on. It's like the Swiss Army knife of flavours, ready to make any dish instantly more exciting.

The Mixologist's Dream

And for those of you who like to experiment, matcha can even find its way into cocktails. Imagine a matcha mojito or a matcha-infused gin and tonic. It's like Happy Hour got a PhD in sophistication.


So, there you have it. Matcha isn't just a one-trick pony; it's a versatile superstar. From the traditional bamboo-whisked tea to modern culinary delights and even cocktails, matcha is ready to dazzle your taste buds in a myriad of ways. It's not just a drink; it's an experience waiting to happen.

5. The Matcha Experience

the matcha experience

A Ritual of Mindfulness

Not Just a Drink, It's a Journey

Alright, let's get deep for a moment. Preparing and sipping matcha isn't just about quenching your thirst or getting a caffeine kick. Oh no, it's like a mini-holiday for your soul. Seriously, from the moment you start measuring that vibrant green powder, you're embarking on a journey to Zen-town.

Whisk Your Way to Mindfulness

Picture this: you're in your kitchen, bamboo whisk in hand, and you're gently stirring your matcha into a frothy, emerald elixir. With each circular motion, it's like you're whisking away your worries, your to-do list, and your stress. What's left? Just you and this moment of pure, mindful bliss. It's like yoga for your mind, but way tastier.

A Cup of Zen

When you finally take that first sip, it's not just about the flavours dancing on your tongue. It's a full-on sensory experience that invites you to be present, to enjoy, and to simply be. It's more than a drink; it's a pocket of tranquillity in your busy day. It's like hitting the pause button on life, just for a minute or two, and who couldn't use more of that?


So, when you're enjoying your next cup of matcha, remember: you're not just hydrating; you're engaging in a centuries-old ritual that invites mindfulness and peace into your life. It's not just a beverage; it's a moment of Zen wrapped up in a cup of green goodness.


So there you have it, folks—matcha isn't just the latest trend to hit your Instagram feed. It's a rich tapestry of cultural history, potential health benefits, and mindful moments. Whether you're sipping it as a frothy latte, enjoying it in a traditional tea ceremony, or even whipping up some matcha-infused culinary delights, matcha offers a unique blend of history, potential well-being, and mindfulness. So go ahead, take a sip, and welcome a little Zen into your life. Happy sipping!


In a nutshell, matcha is a multifaceted experience that's like a Swiss Army knife for your senses and soul. It combines cultural history, potential health perks, and mindfulness into one vibrant green cup of awesomeness.

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